Turmeric Side Effects

Turmeric Side Effects, Allergy and Warnings

Despite turmeric side effects and allergy, turmeric remains one of the very best natural treatment for various diseases and disorders.
You probably know turmeric as the popular spice that adds color and taste to foods. It is widely used in Asian countries but recently more people are using it due to its benefits. Its inflammatory and medicinal properties make it the perfect natural remedy for inflammatory related conditions like arthritis, bronchitis, chest and skin infections and fibromyalgia. Turmeric is also used to treat several stomach conditions like bloating, diarrhea, gas trouble, intestine disorders and liver trouble. The increased use of turmeric can be understood since the health benefits are so many. However, there is need to understand the turmeric side effects and allergy so that they can exercise caution when taking it.

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Turmeric side effects and allerg

Turmeric in most cases is taken by mouth or applied on the skin depending on the use. There are no major significant side effects, but consumers need to exercise caution since irregular intake of turmeric can cause dizziness, stomach upset, nausea and even diarrhea. According to studies from the University of Michigan Health center, the recommended dosage should not exceed 300 to 500 grams taken three times a day. In a report, individuals who took over 1500 grams twice a day experienced very dangerous abnormal heart rhythms. However, there was no clear evidence if the turmeric was responsible but general caution is given not to take large doses.
Warnings and precautions when taking turmeric
For pregnancy and breast feeding mother, the use of turmeric is generally safe for cooking when consumed together with other foods through mouth. However, this is not the case with medicinal turmeric. The concentration of the active ingredients is too high and likely to cause a menstrual cycle or stimulate the uterus. This is likely to put the pregnancy at risk causing premature abortion. Correct information on the exact amount of medicinal turmeric that pregnant mother need to take is lacking. The best advice is to avoid its use in a medicinal form.
Turmeric is also known to interact with several drugs affecting how they work. There is need for people to know which drugs turmeric interacts with before they use it if they are under medication. When taken with medications that help slow blood clotting can severely hamper the blood clotting process. Turmeric should not be taken with drugs like aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, daleparin, enoxaparin and many other that help slow the blood clotting process. Turmeric acts as an anticoagulant prevent the clotting of blood.
For diabetic people, turmeric side effects might play a role in decreasing the blood sugar lever in your blood. Usually diabetes drugs are taken to help lower the blood sugar level in the body. However, when taken with turmeric, the blood sugar level might go too low which can cause further health problems. It is also known to increase the amount of Azulfidine EN- tabs which can further increase the side effects of the tablets. When take with Talinolol medicine, turmeric decreases the rate of absorption of Talinolol. It is essential to consult with your doctor before you take your medication if your frequently use turmeric.
Turmeric can also be a cause of infertility. For mothers trying to have a baby should exercise caution when using turmeric. It can make it harder for people to conceive.
Turmeric might also cause iron deficiency in people who use it frequently. High amounts of turmeric might generally reduce the rate of absorption of iron. Iron deficiency people should use turmeric with caution.
For those planning to have a surgery, it is essential to stop using turmeric some two weeks before the surgery. It is known to slow the blood clotting process which can be dangerous when having surgery.
A stomach disorder called the gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) can be worsened by using turmeric. Turmeric can make stomach conditions worse and people with the GERD are advised to prevent its use.
Some people may develop turmeric allergy like stomach upset, heartburn or dermatitis. Other may develop swelling ad redness of the skin when they come into contact with turmeric. Such people need to refrain from taking foods that contain this spice. People suffering from kidney stones should also avoid the use of turmeric since it can increase the kidney stones.
Conclusion of Turmeric Benefits:
Despite the many turmeric side effects and allergies discussed above, Turmeric remains one of the very best natural remedy. Turmeric is safe when used as a spice in foods, but little is known about the potential risks of taking larger amounts. In India, Turmeric has been used traditionally for thousands of years. However, some consumers are advised to exercise caution when taking turmeric. The use of turmeric has not been thoroughly studied.